Virtual food guide
Chemical composition of milk
The milk is a yellow-white liquid, with sweet taste and a complex chemical composition in according of space, alimentation, age, health of the animals. Cow milk contains 87,5% water and solids 12,5% made by: fat, lactose, protein, mineral substances, vitamins.
Organic substances:
The fat : triglycerides, sterols, phospholipids and free fat acids.
Nitrogenous substances:
Protein substances: antibodies, enzymes.
Proteinaceous substances: free amino acids, creatinine, uric acid, sulfocianic acid.
Non-nitrogenous substances : lactose, organic acids.
Vitamins: - A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, P.
Anorganic substances: - Ca, Na, K, Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, P
Gases: - O2, N2, CO2, NH3
Sensory and physical properties of milk
Consistency: smooth, normal
Appearance: opaque liquid
Colour: White - frosted to yellow – white
PH = 6.6-6.8
Temperature freezing= -0.540 ÷ -0.580 º C
A = 16-20 and T (Thorner)
Degree of contamination = I (sheep's milk is acceptable grade II)
Fat = min. 3.2%
T = 100.2 º C
Cheese is a dairy product obtained by coagulation of milk from some animals, mostly cows, but also goats, yak, sheeps and buffalo. In order to obtain coagulation of milk is used the junket, but some types of cheese is coagulated with acids such as vinegar or lemon juice, or with certain types of Cynara.
Fresh white cheese is a dairy product obtained by boiling the whey left after making curd/green cheese. Urda has a soft, crumbly texture. It's like Italian cheese "ricotta", having a high content of protein and low fat.
Whipped cream is a dairy product produced by churning cream which is used most often sweetened with sugar or other sweeteners. If cream contain over 30% fat after mixing it can double the volume by aeration.
The acidic dairy technology
Acidic dairy products derived from the fermentation of milk with lactic acid bacteria added in as a form of culture. Production of dairy is founded on the principle of conservation of milk by biochemical method, based on the antiseptic action of lactic acid bacteria produced by the fermentation of lactose into lactic acid.
The nutritional value of dairy products is the quite high acid, which contains all the nutritional components of milk in something readily assimilable. The energy content of these products is low due to the transformation of part of the lactose into lactic acid and CO 2 and alcohol. Due to the fact that the fermentation products are formed, acidic dairy products and dietary properties are favorable for non-therapeutic role. Assimilation and digestion increases because the substances are partially hydrolyzed protein and curd (green cheese) obtained is fine, being more accessible the action of digestive enzymes.
By the Romanian team
Butter is a dairy product made by stirring fresh or fermented cream or milk. It is consumed spread on other dishes, as a condiment and it helps to cook or to make sauces or roasts. So, the butter is ate daily in many parts of the world. Butter consists in fat which is surrounded by tiny droplets of water, protein and milk. The most common type of butter is made from cow's milk, but also it can be obtained from the milk of other mammals, including sheep, goat, buffalo or yak. Sometimes you can add in butter salt, flavors, or preservatives.
Cream is a dairy product made by fat which rises to the surface of non-homogenized milk. Cream is obtained from cow or buffalo milk, unboiled, put in a bowl to caught (curd) in a cool dry place. After a few days fat milks rise to the surface in a thin or thicker crust , depending on the milk fat. This time of few days is shortened in industrial processes for obtain cream using centrifugals named cream separators.
Yogurt is a dairy product made by milk fermentation. Any milk may be used to produce yogurt, but today, cow's milk is the most commonly used. Yogurt has a texture like a gel and taste slightly sour because of fermentation of sugar from milk (lactose) into lactic acid.
Kefir (aka the kefirs) is a milk product made by fermented milk; it”s originated in the Caucasus area. It is prepared by introducing kefir grains in milk from cows, goats or sheeps. Traditional kefir was made in waterskins (bottles) that were hung near a doorway; anyone passing by hit the waterskin in order that milk and kefir grains to mix well.
The correct share of milk products in the daily menu
A recent study showed that one glass of milk per day not only brings important nutrients, but has positive effects on the brain, increasing its performance. Milk and milk products as foods with high nutritional value, but also a source of bioactive substances with multiple physiologic activities beneficial to the human body.
For an ordinary man it is recommended to use 2-3 servings of dairy a day, where a serving is 1 cup of milk, 1 200 ml yogurt, 50 g of feta cheese or half a cup of cottage cheese (enter category butter fat). Rations of cheese varies depending on the amount of milk consumed, as well as other animal foods in the daily diet of the person concerned (about 40 g/day).
For children and adolescents
• children 1 to 12 years: 400-600 ml/day
• teenagers: 300-500 ml/day
For adults
• 250-300 ml/day
For seniors
• 300-500 ml/day
As a conclusion when the children grow, increase your daily requirement of calcium, puberty and adolescence as the period during which the maximum bone mass and bone capital is for the rest of his life. In reality, that's the critical age do not consume enough milk, and calcium deficiency is a rule!