Virtual food guide
Evolution of the Food Pyramid
The first food guide was established in the USA in 1916 and it was called Food For Young Children
It had 5 food groups:
2. cereals
3. vegetables/fruits
4. fats/fatty foods
5. sugars/sugary foods
In 1940 it was announced the “Basic Seven,” which was a special modification of the nutritional guidelines to help people deal with the shortage of food supplies during the war.
Brief History
A fifth category was added to the Basic Four: fats, sweets and alcoholic beverages, for people to consume in moderation
The Food Guide Pyramid was released to convey the variety and proportion of daily food groups by pictures of foods and the size of the food group.
My Pyramid Food Guidance System was introduced. The new pyramid was the same concept as the old, but simplified illustration and the info was now provided online. “MyPyramid.gov”
My Plate is the most recent and it was created in 2011. The different shape helps to grab consumers’ attention and now visuals are linked to the food so Americans know how much food to consume in the 5 food groups
1956 - 1970
Soon after, the “Basic Seven,” it turned into the “Basic Four” and it was used for the next 20 years.
Unfortunately, chronical diseases like strokes and heart disease were on the rise and it was necessary to make adjustments and bring awareness to the roles of unhealthy foods.
1943: The National Wartime Nutrition Guide (later the National Nutrition Guide)
"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are."