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Romanian team
For The project «The teenagers between fast food and culinary tradition» it was selected a target group of 37 students, its structure being representative for the school population of the Technical College No. 2 Targu Jiu. More than half of the selected students (21 students) come from rural areas; some are commuters and others living in the host home or hostel of the school, during the school year.  


  • Eating fast food has become a way of life for today's young people regardless of their cultural backgrounds, levels of development, the financial position of subjects. For many of them replacing traditional preparations based on natural products with synthetic means more aggressive behaviour.
  • The school documents revealed the fact that most of them come from single parent families, with parents working abroad or they  commute (from rural spaces ) and have not received proper food education.
  • This has created the need to acknowledge these students that their health or behavioral problems are largely caused by unhealthy diets. We think that the best way to achieve this goal is to run an European project in which our students understand that their problems are the same faced by young people in other countries  and that a return to traditional  natural food, is the best option. An effective way to persuade young people is to involve them in joint activities with partners from other states.

The Comenius team applied a questionnaire to their students and this page is about their conclusions.

Questionnaire - Conclusions

Spanish team

Our study made by the students of the 3rd Year of ESO, 14-15 years old, who are taking part in this project, shows that they like fast food instead of traditional food because:

-Its taste.

-Fast food is cheaper.

-Eating fast food is more a social activity.

-Restaurants that have healthy food are more expensive.

-Sometimes fast food restaurants give away free toys.

But in spite of these reasons, most of the students love traditional food made at home and they go to local and traditional restaurants on special occassions or their mums prepare special dinner at home.
It’s also mentioned that in our country people prefer go “Tapping”
( “ir de tapas”) instead of going to Mc. Donalds , Pizzeries and Burgers, because “tapas” is our traditional fast food.
We hope that after this study and the lectures and workshops held in our school, our students will be more aware of the danger of eating fast food.



Turkish team



  • Teenagers in Turkey prefer to go to the restaurants once a week.

  • They prefer döner

  • They usually drink coke.

  • They go to fast food restaurants with friends.

  • There are two fast food restaurants in our school area.

  • They eat fast food because of having limited  time.

  • They like having lunch with their grandmother.

  • Three mum’s dishes they like most are “sarma, köfte and karnıyarık”

  • They usually eat with their whole family at home.

  • They generally have lunch / dinner for special occasion in a restaurant.





Portuguese team



Our study was based on students from 3rd. Cycle (7th, 8th and 9th years) who are aged between 12 and 15 years. A questionnaire was set online for 15 days and198 students from the 255 of this Cycle answered the questionnaire, which is a good representative sample because it represents 78% of the students.




From the data presented, we can infer that more than half of the students know what fast food is and they consume it because they enjoy it. Most of them consume it less than once per week, mostly at restaurants.

The preference of the surveyed students lies on pizzas and burgers.

The data also shows us that students consume less fast food and more traditional food.

Young people surveyed showed that the most famous dishes from traditional Portuguese cuisine are among their preferences.

It’s important to highlight that half of the students have traditional food because they like it and because it is healthier.

After applying this questionnaire to our students, we consider that it would be interesting to quest parents/ families about this same issue, once they are referred as people who consume and prepare fast food.




 Italian Team


From the survey in our school about the eating habits of teenagers (all classes from first to last year… 14-19 years old students), we understand that having fast food is not  a practice for the students  (low frequency). They use to eat at home (high frequency) and on special occasions, for example on holiday, they like eating traditional dishes at the Restaurant.

Fast food is not very widespread in our area but there are two main reasons for students having it:

  • The opportunity to socialize

  • The opportunity to taste fast food

On the other hand, many boys and girls appreciate their grandma's special dishes.

Coke is very popular and widespread and the most popular fast foods are pasta, meat and pizza.

In Italy pizza is not only “take away food” but it ´s also a traditional food that you can have in a restaurant or a pizzeria.




 Polish Team



  • Based on the survey conducted among 50 students of our school can be concluded that 58% (29 students) eat four meals a day.

  • About 50% (23 students) eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.

  • More than half 58% (29 students) drink milk or eat dairy products once a day.

  • 36% (18 students) eat fruits and vegetables once a day, 14% (7 students) eat three or more times a day and 28% (14 students) do not eat them every day.

  • Most students about 50% (23 students) eat fruit and vegetables for lunch and 28% (14 students) eat them for breakfast.

  • More than half 52% (26 students) eat sweets three or more times a week and only 2% (1 student)  does not eat them at all.

  • Most of the students 34% (17 students) drink pops every day, 18% (9 students) drink them three or more times a week, 24% (12 students) – twice a week, 22% (11 students) – once                a week and only 2% (1 student) does not drink at all.

  • Only 2% (1 student) eats chips from time to time and the same 1 student – every day, 12%                (6 students) – three or more times a week, 20% (10 students) – twice a week, fortunately 36% (18 students) – once a week and 28% (14 students) do not eat them at all.



Comenius project - The teenagers between culinary tradition and fast food .2012 / 2014

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