Virtual food guide
Stone Soup History
Stone Soup is a typical soup of the Portuguese cuisine, in particular in the city of Almeirim, located in the heart of the Ribatejo region, considered the "Capital of the Stone Soup”. Contrary to what the name implies, the stone soup is a soup with many ingredients, in which the "rock" is just the " pretext." This designation is found in many Western cultures and it is based on a legend whose main character is a hungry monk.
2 large cans of beans or fresh beans
1 pig’s ear, blanched and then sliced thin
1 large blood sausage (chouriço negro or firm type of blood sausage)
1 large mixed meat chouriço or mediterranean smoked sausage
165 gr. pork belly, fatback or bacon, 3 ½ medium potatoes, cubed
2 onions, chopped
2 cloves of garlic
1 bay leaf
1 bunch of cilantro/coriander, chopped
Salt and pepper
Boil the kidney beans with the pig’s ear, sausages, pork belly, onions, garlic and bay leaf.
Season it with salt and pepper.
If necessary, add more water while it’s boiling.
Once the meat is cooked, take it out of the pot and put it away.
Then, add the cubed potatoes and cilantro to the pot and let the potatoes cook.
Remove the pot from the heat, add the previously chopped meat back in and a well-washed stone.
Serve it in a soup tureen and enjoy it!
Spiritual codfish History
The "Spiritual Codfish" has its origin in Portugal around the year 1947, when a luxury restaurant settled in the old kitchen of the Queluz National Palace which was named "Old Kitchen". One of its first consultants and coordinators was the Countess Almeida Araújo, who bothered to create a menu of national dishes, but also to innovate in some preparations putting a touch of haute cuisine in the preparations. This way she would be doing justice to the place. She searched for some preparations and she found a really treasure the "Brandade of Morue Chaude". She requested a copy of the recipe, but it was not given to her. Then she wanted to buy it but unfortunately it was not sold. So she had to test her imagination and creativity. And with no doubt this is the real innovation of the Portuguese recipes and maybe in all the other recipes.
Ingredients: (for 8 people)
1 kg of codfish
2 carrots
1 bunch of parsley
350 grams of potato chips
4 onions
750 grams of béchamel sauce
First, cook the cod in water for thirty minutes.
Cut the onions in slices, put them in a pot with some olive oil to sauté and add two cloves of garlic.
Pour the already shredded cod into the pot, the two grated carrots and keep mixing everything very gently in order to fry the cod. After this, pour the sauce and the shredded potatoes.
Stir for a while, then mix it all up with 550 grams of béchamel sauce and pour into a baking tray.
Cover it with mozzarella cheese and put it in the pre heated oven at about 200º for a while (about 15 minutes) to brown “au gratin” and it is ready to be served.
It can be accompanied by a mixed salad or cooked vegetables.
Portuguese recipes
By the Portuguese team
Saints’ Cakes
In Portugal, on the “All Saints’ Day” children go out and join in small groups to ask for cookies door to door. They recite the phrase: "Cookies cookies in praise of all saints" and receive an offering: bread, scones, cakes, nuts and pomegranates, walnuts, almonds or nuts, which they put inside their cloth bags. In some villages this day is called the 'Day of Cookies' or 'Cookie Day'.
This tradition was already recorded in the fifteenth century. It has ancient roots and originated in the pagan ritual of the worship of the dead.
16 eggs
sugar (2,5 kg)
lemon zests (3 lemons)
olive oil (0,5 litre)
nuts and almonds(16 full hands)
flour (4 kg)
First, we break the 16 eggs into a big bowl and beat the egg whites.
Then, we mix 2, 5 kg of sugar and the zests of 3 lemons.
After mixing the zests of the lemons, we add ½ litre of olive oil and mix 16 full hands of nuts and almonds and 4 kg of flour.
Finally, we stir everything well and if it’s too hard to mix, we add some milk
Divide the mixture into little balls, put these in the oven, pay attention to time and temperature and… don’t let it burn. Enjoy it!